Monday, June 12, 2023

Gratitude Monday: one set of laws

Welp, special counsel Jack Smith has indicted Cadet Bonespurs on 37 federal felony counts involving the taking and mishandling of materials that he should have left in the White House when he locked the doors, fired all the staff and scuttled off for his final ride in Air Force One on 20 January 2021.

The unsealed 49-page indictment is a wonder of clarity and also an appalling portrait of mens rea in service to unbridled narcissism.

The bastard knew he wasn’t supposed to have the files, but he wanted them and so here we are. He must appear in federal court in Miami tomorrow to be arraigned. At least he has some experience in this process, having gone through it in Manhattan in April.

He’ll get more of the same as Smith continues his investigation into the attempted coup of January 6th. (Mark Meadows’s plea deal with Smith has to have a lot of Republicans really, really nervous right about now. This is a really, really good thing.) And as Fulton County, Ga., DA Fani Willis winds up her RICO investigation into his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia.

Naturally, he’s fundraising off this, and he may never run out of rubes willing to send him their cigarette money “to fight the fascist Marxists of the radical left”. He’s also cycling through attorneys at a rate of knots; he may run out of law firms willing to represent him before various jurisdictions run out of felonies to charge him with.

But for now, I’m grateful that—as Smith stated on Friday—we have one set of laws that apply to everyone. I’m not so naïve as to think that the Kleptocrat is receiving truly equal treatment under the law; the fact that it’s taken more than two years to bring charges against him when anyone else who treated national security with such carelessness would have been clapped in prison while awaiting trial long ago. But at last—at long last—he is facing accountability for his crimes. At least for some of them.

Thirty-seven counts—like 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea—is a good start. And that’s something to give thanks for, as we watch this drama unfold. He’s got two indictments to match his two impeachments on his trophy wall. Maybe more on the way.

Also—if Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) suffers a debilitating aneurysm on air in his apoplectic outrage at justice for all, well, that’s just icing on the cake.




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