Monday, June 19, 2023

Gratitude Monday: a necessity and a luxury

The only thing I’ve wanted to drink since my knee replacement surgery is sparkling water. So my gratitude today is not just for my SodaStream device (with two extra cartridges), but also for a refrigerator to keep it cold and actual safe water coming out of the Fairfax County system through the tap.

I've lived where the water was contaminated and where there was a cholera epidemic and I’m grateful that my Brita filter is probably superfluous, and that I don’t have to actually boil water for 10 minutes before drinking it.

I’m also grateful that—aside from California in drought—I have not had water rationed and that I can take a swig or wash my hands whenever I fancy. These are basic necessities of life, but they’re luxuries for millions of people around the earth.

What the hell is up with that?




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