Saturday, April 8, 2023

I can't get no

Okay, let’s get with the 21st Century. Everybody's hyped up about AI taking over the universe. And, while I understand the attraction of intelligence (even artificial), given the state of things, I'm a little skeptical.

So, I asked Google’s Bard AI generator to write a haiku about Spring for today’s National Poetry Month entry. Here’s what I got:

Winter’s cold grip fades
As the first spring flowers bloom
A new season begins

Meh—kinda sophomoric.

So I asked for a poem about Spring in the style of Allen Ginsburg:

Oh, Springtime, you sweet, sweet season of rebirth
When all the world is filled with new life and mirth
The flowers bloom and the birds sing
And the trees bud with new leaves that are green and spring

The days are longer and the nights are shorter
And the sun shines brighter than ever before
The air is fresh and the sky is blue
And the world seems full of hope and new

Oh, Springtime, you are a welcome sight
After the long, cold winter of our discontent
You bring with you joy and happiness
And a sense of hope for the future that is yet to come

So let us all welcome Springtime with open arms
And celebrate the rebirth of the world
For Springtime is a time for new beginnings
And a time for hope and love

Oh, hon—no.

Then I asked for a poem about Spring by Keith Richards:

The snow is melting, the birds are singing,
The flowers are blooming, the days are getting longer.
It's springtime, a time for new beginnings,
A time to start fresh, to let go of the past.

The winter was long and cold,
But now the sun is shining,
And the world is waking up.
It's time to get outside,
To roll up your sleeves,
And get to work.

There's so much to do,
So much to see,
So much to explore.
So go out and enjoy it,
Make the most of it,
And live your life to the fullest.

It's springtime,
A time for joy,
A time for love,
A time for peace.
So go out and embrace it,
And let the good times roll.

I decided that Bard is not, in fact, bardic yet, so I cut my losses and went back to work.



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