Friday, April 21, 2023

2 pair of glasses

Given the outrageous state of our judicial system—from the top to the bottom (Clarence Thomas cocking a snook at any whisper of ethics; Greg Abbott whipping out a pardon for a convicted murderer before the ink is dry on the jury’s decision; Gym Jordan taking his “Judicial Oversight” clown car to yammer about criminal prosecutions at a local DA; a grand jury in Akron, Ohio, no-billing eight cops who drilled 46 rounds into a Black man over a traffic stop; RWNJ federal judge and Fifth Circuit Appeals bench in Texas wiping out negating FDA approval of mifepristone, in safe use across the country for more than two decades; and bladdy-blah-blah)—today’s entry for National Poetry Month is Tupac Shakur’s “Lady Liberty Needs Glasses”.

Because both ladies—Liberty and Justice—appear to be losing to the plutocrats, racists, misogynists, xenophobes and evangelicals. No doubt about it.


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