Wednesday, March 1, 2023

George and I...

Ordinarily when I do yoga, my energy level rises so much that I wear basically only sweat pants and tee-shirt; even so, usually by the end of the lesson I need to cool off. However, since my knee surgery, I find myself cold most of the time—and since my thermostat is set to 72F, I know it’s not the environment, it’s me.

So last Friday when my instructor showed up via Zoom, I was still wearing a hoodie, zipped up, which stayed on for most of the lesson. I pretty much never pay attention to which tech swag I’m wearing, and Lord knows I have enough tech company tee-shirts to outfit Sacramento. So I didn’t think anything about it as I was moving about, until my instructor asked, “When did you work for Goldman Sachs?”

Well, I had to parse what she was talking about, and eventually arrived at:

And the mundane answer is that I got it at a party during one of the Grace Hopper Celebrations of Women in Computing. It’s all cotton, a little on the thin side, but comfortable and comforting to wear. Also, it has pockets. And I can top it with an oversized fleece I got from yet another STEM organization if I have to go out. The hood part has no drawstring, so it's more an ornamental feature than a functional one, but still.

(As an aside, GHC is a great place to get wearable swag, because if you ask the women handing it out, "What size should I get?" they'll tell you. No problem. The Goldman Sachs woman gave me the once-over and without hesitation said, "Large." She was exactly right. Go to any other tech conference and ask the guys handing it out that question and they start backing away, stuttering and shrugging because they're too afraid to answer it honestly.)

But Saturday morning, I realized that my answer should have been, “Oh, yeah—George Santos and I…we were besties.”

That’s a Dorothy Parker moment I’ll never get back.



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