Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Oh, baby!

Back in December, this was one of the vanity plates I reported on:

At the time, I didn’t know what it meant. My yoga instructor, a Russian speaker, said it looked like Russian, “[P]ronounced ‘krochah’, with ch like in Scottish loch. Means baby although I have never heard this word before.”

Well, I replied that I’d been thinking Greek, so I looked it up by kludging the Greek alphabet into Google Translate:

However, Friday morning I spotted the car once again parked by the W&OD Trail, with someone in the driver’s seat. So I approached (though staying about two meters away). The window rolled down to reveal a blonde with distinctive Slavic cheekbones.

I asked if the license plate was Greek.




So my instructor was right. Baby it is, and now she’s heard the word in use.



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