Tuesday, February 7, 2023

New diet

Let me take this opportunity to tell you how disgusting frozen dinners are. I stocked up because the hospital instructions said you don’t want to be messing with cookery in the aftermath of total knee replacement.

You’d have thought, what with technology and nutritional science, that they’d advanced since the days of Swanson’s TV dinners. But you’d be wrong.

I’ve had a couple of Lean Cuisines, a Marie Callender “Café Steamer”, one of her pot pies and something I don’t even recall. The only decent one was the Trader Joe chicken tikka masala. The café steamer was so bad that when I put the remnants out for the fox; he left them. But he ate the bits of sourdough roll I also tossed out.

Thank god for Progresso canned soup.




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