Thursday, January 26, 2023

Moving forward

Okay, today the great adventure begins. At 1130 EST I’m scheduled for total knee replacement on the right knee. I hope to be back at home late afternoon, early evening.

Thanks to everyone who’s helping me with this—offers of rides to/from hospital, staying with me for the first days, grocery shopping/errand running. And thanks for the lending of the walker and cane.

I have a bowlful of prescriptions and some major gripes with CVS and CVS/Caremark, who suck eggs. (Here’s something you don’t want to hear from your pharmacist WRT prescription labeling: “It’s a mistake.”) My portion of the surgeon and hospital bills are paid (are they afraid I won't survive and therefore want to collect days/weeks before?) I have post-op exercise instructions from my physical therapist (who is, in fact, in-network, even though the jackass at Anthem told them they weren’t), and an in-person appointment for Monday.

I had an afternoon yoga lesson yesterday, to mark the transition from Everything Before to Everything Next.

There’s a cot in my livingroom, courtesy of the friend I had dinner with on Tuesday.

Friend: Do you want to borrow a cot to set up on the ground floor?

Me: No, they want me doing stairs.


Me: Wut?

Friend: Not while taking those drugs.

Me: Oh. Okay, thanks for lending me the cot.

My PT also reminded me to bring my toothbrush and toothpaste to the powder room on the ground floor. Good call—I wouldn’t have thought of it.

I’ve got a supply of Lean Cuisines and a stack of Agatha Christies (which are entertaining without requiring a lot of intellectual engagement), so I think I’m good to go.

See you on the other side.



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