Tuesday, January 24, 2023

France arrivals

I confess that my mind is focused on other things this week, so my posts will probably be somewhat lightweight.

I was gunging out some files and came across the pix I shot at Charles de Gaulle airport when I landed in October, so here’s what struck me about it.

First: the sunrise:

Then this ceiling light in one of the corridors between the gate and passport control (which may have been in Belgium, considering the distance I walked—plus taking a train):

But things on the floor also caught my attention:

And this:

Because in every airport in every country but the United States, these luggage carts are free! What the hell is up with US airports charging you $8 for them? It’s not like people are going to leave the airport with them. Man, that burns my bacon.

Finally, the TGV station at the fringe of CDG. I love the architecture.




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