Monday, December 26, 2022

Gratitude Monday: this [blessed] year

Whoa—last Gratitude Monday of 2022. “Thank God it’s over” seems kind of contrary to the spirit of the day. But I suspect we all are feeling some of that.

Maybe “I’m grateful that we survived another year of pandemic, political upheaval, climate-induced ‘natural’ disasters, man-made calamities, economic variables, emotional ups and downs, and medical bills” is more to the point.

Because so many did not and I am cognizant of that.

The past two days we have had single-digit (Fahrenheit) temperatures in the People’s Republic, and I am so grateful that I have warm clothes and central heat. That the power has stayed on and the refrigerator is full.

I’m grateful that I don’t have to choose between paying the electric bill or buying groceries.

I’m grateful that I have a heated birdbath—my birds seem extra thirsty, perhaps because their other sources of water have frozen solid.

I’m grateful that I have access to excellent medical care and that—because of my employer-subsidized health insurance—I’m not in immediate danger of medical bankruptcy.

I’m grateful it never occurred to me to invest in cryptocurrency. Or NFTs. I mean—whatever the hell?

I’m grateful for the work that non-profits and institutions I support do to improve the world we live in. Alice’s Kids, Texas Tribune, WITF, Islands Feral Cat Project, WRRAP, The Jewish Federation, Celebrate Mercy, World Central Kitchen, Bennett College, San Gabriel Valley Humane Society, Mother Jones, ACLU, EveryLibrary Institute and others that I disremember at the moment. (There were some GoFundMes here and there.) And I’m grateful that I could contribute to them.

I’m grateful for the friends who put up with a lot from me and I’m grateful to be their friend.

I’m grateful to face another year in hope of dealing with its vagaries—with help from my friends—and perhaps doing something to make this sad old world a better place.



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