Monday, December 5, 2022

Gratitude Monday: Light the way

Here we are at the second Gratitude Monday in Advent, 2022, a year which has given me mixed messages when it comes to a thankful spirit. I mean—I always find something (many things, if I’m honest), but sometimes it does feel like a bit of a stretch. The truth of the matter is that we’re surrounded by horrors, macro and micro; a good number of those are manmade, and it makes me weep.

So I’ll confess that it’s difficult, even in this season, to find the joys and graces that are the basis of gratitude. And if it’s that way for me, I’m guessing that a lot of people around the world are having the same challenge.

Perhaps we need to acknowledge the burdens of sorrows, anxieties, grief; the daily scrabble to feed your family and keep them safe, the utter horror of war—whatever it is, it is. But—if you can—acknowledge it, but also let in stillness when it approaches. Find the stillness and see if comfort and hope can also be found.

That’s what I try to do.

Today’s Advent music is “Still my Joy”, by the Indigo Girls.

May everyone enveloped in darkness, literal and metaphoric, find light in the stillness.



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