Thursday, December 15, 2022

Good news

Today’s Advent piece comes again from Ukraine. I truly cannot find out much about the history of “Shcho z Kyieva tai do Rusalyma” (“From Kyiv to Jerusalem”), but according to Google translate, it’s all about the joyous news of Christ.

I would like to know more about the Kyiv to Jerusalem part—more than 3600 km, which is quite a schlep. When I looked it up, here’s what Google warned:

No kidding.

I’m thinking of the people of Kyiv, and the rest of Ukraine, celebrating this season. Either occupied by hostile forces or under attack. I imagine that nothing Putin could throw at them will stop them from singing; I certainly hope not.

Here’s an ethnomusical group, Bozhychi, singing it. I have to say that they don’t look like they’re entirely having a good time, although that may be the performance style. Like Scottish dancing. Still, the harmonies are amazing.

May those who fill the air with song overpower the cacophony of war.


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