Saturday, December 10, 2022

Glorious light divine

As you know, we cannot have Advent without something from Michael Praetorius. It’s the Law. So today’s piece is “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, Praetorius’s take of Martin Luther’s rendering of the Latin “Veni redemptor gentium”. (O come, redeemer of the nations) Lotta by-way-ofs here.

But Praetorius.

The song narrates the marvel of the savior of the world being born in a manger—“wondrous birth! O wondrous Child”. “Boundless shall Thy kingdom be; when shall we its glories see?”

Well, exactly—when?

Here’s the Gesualdo Six (minus two) singing it.

May the nations of the world be redeemed and peace rule among the people.



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