Thursday, November 24, 2022

Y'all rock--thanks!

Extra gratitude day this week because Thanksgiving.

Today I’m thinking of all the people who make our lives decent, especially today, and whom we probably don’t really notice.

Like the folks who pick up the trash and recycling (if you’re lucky enough to have those services). The ones who work my neighborhood are here, rain, snow or steaming hot summer day, including holidays. Their schedule is Mondays and Thursdays, and that’s when they come. Think about how much refuse your family generates and imagine what it would be like if it just piled up around your yard.

You’d look like a supporter of TFG in no time.

Big thanks to the people who keep the supply chain together—all the workers who harvested the crops that you may be having for Thanksgiving dinner; the truckers who brought them to market and the stockers, cashiers and others in the grocery stores. Also workers in slaughterhouses who do a job not many of us could or would do, but from which we benefit.

(While I’m at it, thanks too, to the animals who gave their lives—fish, fowl or mammal; I hope your life was pleasant and your death humane.)

Gratitude to the busboys and back-of-house staff who keep things humming for all those who are dining out. And to fast-food workers who are serving those who have no other plans. And to those who staff homeless shelters and give up their holiday to provide a nutritious meals to people who have no choices at all.

Props going out to first responders and medical staff, carrying on as usual to patch up what goes wrong, either by accident or intent. (Extra love going to those dealing with the aftermath of the most recent mass shootings; would that the NRA and their Republican accomplices be made to mop up the blood every single fucking time one of these happens. Their thoughts and prayers are worthless.)

Thanks to the retail and online workers who are gearing up to deal tomorrow with shoppers who have lost their damn minds. I won’t be among them, so at least you are spared that.

And all gratitude to people staffing various hotlines, from Butterball to suicide. You are amazing.

Really—a lot to be grateful for today. And I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. It’s a big day, after all.

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