Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Corporate hoops


It’s Day 3 of being a [Megalithic Software Company]er, and I still have not been able to access the HR system to set up benefits.

For non-Americans, this means that I may or may not be covered by health insurance, since in theory my old company coverage ended on Monday, when I officially “started” at MSC. You non-Americans cannot imagine the anxiety this produces, because to be without health insurance is like walking around under the sword of Damocles; you’re one stumble away from medical-induced bankruptcy.

This is not helped by me finally getting credentialed on my new MSC laptop and opening my new MSC email queue to find emails from HR admonishing me for not filling out critical information in the HR system.

I replied that I’d happily do that if I didn’t get bloody error messages every time I try to log in.

So—I wait. And wait. And…


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