Monday, October 17, 2022

Gratitude Monday: Fall

Have I said lately that I’m grateful for Autumn? If I have, it’s worth repeating.

I love the crisp mornings—temps in the 40s and 50s are perfect for my walks. Google Fit is always happy with my brisk pace and the distance I cover. The air is fresh, but doesn’t freeze my lungs, birds are happy to greet the day and the occasional chipmunk crosses my path.

Days have warmed up—to the 60s and even 70s this past weekend. With the exception of one day, though, humidity is a thing of the past, so afternoon walks are absolute joy.

A couple of times I’ve had my patio door open, so I can listen to the birds settling down as I have my dinner. I can’t tell you how much that makes me smile.

And at night my bedroom window is open so the crickets and their pals sing me to sleep.

How could I not be grateful for all this?



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