Thursday, August 18, 2022

Something spicy

One of the areas I visited in Singapore was the neighborhood called Little India. A whole lotta shops and restaurants catering to the sizable South Asian population of the country, and an explosion of colors (and smells—but you’re going to have to imagine those for yourself).

A lot of stalls making and selling floral outerwear. I though that interesting, because I never saw anyone wearing them, and I don’t know what events would occasion their purchase. But there were a lot.

Some interesting fruit and veg.

I thought it kind of odd to see plantains hanging above industrial Del Monte bananas.

There are murals.

And colorful cows in a park.

Local life.

This colorful building with a garden on the roof.

A staircase that caught my eye.

Colorful architecture.

Which extends to commercial buildings.

I shot this pic outside the Mustafa Centre, simply because in any mystery story these freezers would be full of human body parts.

And a road sign nod to the ‘hood.




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