Monday, August 22, 2022

Gratitude Monday: relief from the heat

I know I’ve had air conditioning as my subject for Gratitude Monday before, but it strikes me as something that can be called out multiple times. (As is central heating in the winter.)

I was reminded of this in spades while in Singapore recently—Singaporeans have mastered the art and science of climate control to the point that you feel the AC as you go down the escalator into the MRT stations. It’s a much-needed relief, at least for me.

I got to thinking about it while there—because it’s interesting to me that the Euros and the Brits do not appear to have twigged to the possibilities of AC, and consequently tend to bake every summer, especially since we’re seeing the consequences of climate warming.

You can talk about the advances of Western Civilization all you want, but if your elderly and vulnerable are stuck in unheated/unairconditioned residences, and the rest go from hot offices to hot homes in hot public transportation, I think you need to recalibrate your chauvinism.

Meanwhile, I’m grateful for having central air—and the ability to pay the electric bill—all summer long.


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