Tuesday, August 9, 2022


I may have mentioned yesterday that Singapore has a way of celebrating nature. And yesterday I got another mega dose of it at their Botanical Gardens.

It’s still hotter than the hinges of hell, and the humidity means those hinges are rusty. But those gardens, man…Just one glory after another as you walk through the paths. I do not know what any of these are; I just had to capture them.

Okay, yeah: this one's an orchid.

And this one may be related to bird-of-paradise.

And this may be in the ginger family.

They’re having something called the Singapore Garden Festival, which looks a bit like the Hampton Court Flower Show: various entities create garden displays on themes. Viz:

These sunflowers were part of one of the exhibits, and I loved that some of them have cycled through their prime.

These were near those displays, although I don’t know whether they’re part of SGF or not. I liked the bees.

Singapore’s butterflies seem smaller than those back home. But, man, they are beautiful.

Okay—this has been so much, I think I’ll have to wait a day before I post pix of the National Orchid Centre, which was gorgeous. I don’t want to wear out your eyeballs in one post. But it’s been glorious to experience.




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