Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Taking the shot(s)

Well, sports fans, I saw the orthopod yesterday. For eight minutes.

(When I made the appointment online two weeks ago, I noticed that his time was meted out in 10-minute slots. So I checked when he arrived—three minutes late—and when my audience with him ended—one minute late.)

As is typical for orthopedic surgeons, he was not particularly interested in me; he got my name wrong, glanced at the new X-rays, looked at the knee and prescribed a cortisone shot and physical therapy. Which, for the moment, is okay with me.

I got the shots—preemptively in both knees—and will make a PT appointment with whatever local practice isn’t booked into September. I hope the latter will help with the IT band issue, but already the cortisone is ameliorating the pain, so that’s something.

As orthopods go, he’s not the worst I’ve experienced. But I have to say—I’d really have loved to have got through life without meeting any of them. Still, I happen to know this guy does good work, and he takes a conservative approach.

So, I guess it’s a case of watch this space. At least I can get my daily step count back up.



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