Monday, July 4, 2022

Gratitude Monday: not Fred

It’s odd that I’m having to grasp at straws for something to be grateful for today—today being Independence Day.

I mean—usually I spend today contemplating the bold ideas of the founding fathers and marveling at how our idea of a national holiday parade looks more like a picnic than a May Day affair.

But for the past couple of years, my heart is just not in it. MAGAts and the MEAL Team Six crowd have delegitimized the word “patriot” and beclowned the flag. On Saturday, a contingent of the incel infantry stomped along part of Boston’s Freedom Trail (they’d never have made it through the whole 2.5 miles of it, especially if they had to pass any Dunkin’ Donuts), waving flags & thumping a drum. The gang who’ve declared for the past two years they will never wear a diaper on their face because “mah freedom” were all gaitered up, possibly so no one’s mom could recognize them and toss them out of her basement, as happened at their last outing attempting to disrupt a Pride parade in Idaho.

As I understand it, Boston cops escorted the Nazis back to their U-Haul rented trucks (their preferred mode of transportation) after their outing; they didn’t scuttle back ahead of angry locals like they were in Philly last July 4th.

But here’s what I shall always see and hear whenever these douchebags appear in the news. And that’s something to be grateful for in our current situation.




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