Monday, July 11, 2022

Gratitude Monday: knee jerk

A few weeks ago, the arthritis in my knee flared up. Literally one day I was fine and the next I was limping in pain. Then the ilio-tibial band kicked in and life was really hell.

I backed off my walking, and even canceled a yoga lesson because I literally could not bend my knee (let alone the pain); after a week I went to see my PCP.

Well, she poked around and agreed that it’s arthritis; the IT band is probably because my leg is somehow compensating for the arthritis, but all told, it’s a mess.

And I’m probably going to be looking at knee replacement. Joy.

But what I’m grateful for today is that I’ve managed to beat back most of the immediate pain, I’m still ambulatory and I have an appointment tomorrow with the orthopod to discuss options.

That’s not nothin’.



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