Monday, July 25, 2022

Gratitude Monday: a drink of water

I’m grateful that we here in the District They Call Columbia have not been experiencing the extreme heat that’s afflicted much of the country. And, indeed, the type of extreme temperatures that have hit Europe and the UK this past week. Don’t get me wrong—it’s hot and miserable, but no more so than any other July around here.

Still, I was monstrously grateful yesterday morning, when I hit about the three-quarter mark of my four-mile circuit, to see someone had set out an Igloo cooler of water with cups on the W&OD Trail. It was only in the 70s, but that water absolutely hit the spot for me. And, I’m sure, other walkers, bikers and joggers.

When I got home, I still chugged down a liter of SodaStream fizz, but that cup of cool water on the trail was a blessing.





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