Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Palais de pretension

I was driving through Great Falls a while ago and saw what passes for development in the horse property district.

(Great Falls is where I think Fairfax County ought to look when they moan about how they need to put more $1M townhouses and 16-story buildings up with $3500/month apartments in the People’s Republic because “we need to accommodate all the low income people moving here.” Slap a few high-rise buildings up along Old Georgetown Pike and let the Republican voters experience a change in density when they trot over to L’Auberge Chez François for din-din.)

Anyway, I can’t recall what used to be here—probably a couple of slightly shabby old places; maybe even some empty acres around a former farm house. I don’t even know that there was an actual street. But I had to pull over to take pix because looky what they got now:

I swear, each of these monstrosities is big enough to be a hotel. Who actually needs that amount of space? 




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