Monday, June 13, 2022

Gratitude Monday: Roll down like waters

I suppose it’s a commentary on the sad state of affairs in this country that my gratitude for today is about the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. That barely 50 years after Watergate we need another congressional investigation into the corruption of a Republican administration that basically told Richard Nixon, “Hold my beer” is unfuckingbelievable. But here we are.

And—being here—I’m grateful that there are some politicians who are willing to follow the evidence and expose the truth to the world, despite the very best (if wildly incompetent) efforts of Republicans to deny, deflect and demean the proceedings.

Two lone Rs joined the committee out of a sense of duty (as opposed to the reps proposed by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in an attempt to turn it into a circus). They’ll probably be voted out of office in November for that.

Because that’s where we are, too.

The first hearing, held in prime time Thursday night, was quite the revelation. Second one is today. May their work be thorough, clearly stated and utterly irrefutable. And may the Department of Justice follow up accordingly.



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