Monday, May 16, 2022

Gratitude Monday: bluebells

Today I’m grateful that my understanding of the beauty around me has been expanded by a friend of mine who’s something of an expert on wildflowers.

It’s kind of easy to ignore wildflowers because they tend to be outnumbered or shoved out of sight by cultivated flowers and shrubs. Also, in my view, they seem to be mostly small and low to the ground.

But a few weeks ago on one of my #tulipmania forays into the District They Call Columbia, I was introduced to Virginia bluebells, which are (as you might expect) mostly blue bell-shaped flowers. But imagine my surprise a week or so later to discover a patch of bluebells right down the block from me, in a park.

Even bees love them.

They’re gorgeous, and I’m grateful I now know what they are and where to look for them.


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