Thursday, April 21, 2022

All folk who quack

I was introduced to the poems of Carmen Bernos de Gasztold when I worked in the Children’s Room of the Pasadena Public Library in high school. Gasztold was a Benedictine nun in France, and the two collections of her poetry I have carried with me most of my life were translated by the English novelist Rumer Godden.

Prayers from the Ark and The Creatures’ Choir comprise short poems from the perspective of a range of animals. Each one has its unique charm. The one I’m sharing today for National Poetry Month is from Prayers from the Ark.

“The Prayer of the Little Ducks”

Dear God,
give us a flood of water.
Let it rain tomorrow and always.
Give us plenty of little slugs
and other luscious things to eat.
Protect all folk who quack
and everyone who knows how to swim.

« Prière des petits canards »

Mon Dieu, donnez-nous beaucoup d’eau.
Faites qu’il pleuve demain et toujours
Donnez-nous beaucoup de petites limaces
Et autres bonnes choses à manger.
Protégez le peuple nasillard et tous ceux
qui savent nager.
Ainsi soit-il.

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