Friday, December 3, 2021

The road is so long

My laser jet printer is running out of toner, so I had to order a new cartridge. (Interestingly, I paid about $120 for the machine; HP is charging $75 per cartridge. Wut?)

I went to Amazon, which had two cartridges for $23. But all the (Prime) possibilities were to arrive in two days, and I found myself whining, “What happened to same-day delivery? What about one-day delivery? Why do I have to wait two days to get my printer toner?”

That got me to thinking about The Supply Chain Issues that have Republicans foaming outrage. I also thought about World War II, and the very real privations most of Europe experienced for six years (not to mention horrors in East and Southeast Asia between 1932-1945). We, in the United States, had Supply Chain Issues between 1942 and 1945; while there were grumbles and cheats, mostly folks sucked it up and got on with things.

That made me wonder what would have happened if today’s FREEDUMB morons were around about 80 years ago and I quickly concluded that I’d be writing my blog in German. (Ha-ha, just kidding: there would be no blogs, no platforms for conspiracy theories and probably no Klepto cultists because those genetic structures would have been culled from the pool.)

Well, for today’s Advent piece, let’s have John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)”. I’d really like to think about this long, slogging war between democracy and fascism being over.

P.S. Amazon surprised me: my toner cartridges arrived yesterday. So I whined and moaned all for nothing.


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