Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Like a knucklehead

As you know from years past, I take a somewhat small-c catholic view of Advent music. This season covers such a vast territory of human expression, I have to go with the flow. So today’s piece is slightly out there, “I Yust Go Nuts for Christmas”, by Yogi Yogesson.

Yogesson was an entertainer of Norwegian ancestry who forged a career in comedy and novelty songwriting in the 1940s and 1950s projecting a Swedish persona. (Real name: Harry Stewart.) “I Yust Go Nuts” was his biggest hit, and re-released by Capitol Records for a number of years at Christmas.

The part about shopping for a Christmas present for his wife reminds me of a commercial for a drug store back in the last century. Might have been Thrifty. Guy is in a frenzy rolling his shopping cart around the store, getting wrapping paper and ribbon because, "When a man gives his wife a vacuum cleaner for Christmas, nothing is too good for her."

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