Monday, December 13, 2021

Gratitude Monday: walking through change

We in the District They Call Columbia have had quite the weather rollercoaster this year. Well, since October, anyhow; summer was the gawdawful steambath it always is. But lately, it’s just been bonkers.

By way of example, when I went for my morning walk on Friday, it was 29F. Saturday morning it was 51F (with the temperature going up to 70F during the day) and yesterday it was 39F, climbing to the high 40s. Flowers and shrubs do not know whether to bloom or overwinter.

Still, I’ve been able to walk every day, even if some mornings my pace is super brisk to keep me warm. And I’m grateful for that mobility, and for all the peace my walks bring me. Viz: this sight when I got home:


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