Thursday, November 25, 2021

Horn of plenty

Well, here we are, the second Thanksgiving in the time of COVID. And a weird time it is, too. But still…

So grateful today for Anthony S. Fauci steadfastly standing up over the past two years against not only the Kleptocrat, but all the rest of the nutjobs who’ve threatened him with everything up to and including death.

Also for the healthcare providers who’ve been on the frontlines for all this time—volunteering to vaccinate the public; tending to the unvaccinated and seeing them out of life; treating all the rest of our injuries and illnesses; putting up with nutjobs spewing hate and disease; and generally carrying on.

Profound thanks to the judge and jury at the trial of Greg McMichael, Travis McMichael and William Bryan for meting out justice to the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery. May their example be an inspiration to other judges and juries in our broken country.

Thanks go out to everyone working in whatever capacity to mitigate the effects centuries of folly on climate change, pollution and waste of natural resources.

Kudos to the members of Congress sitting on the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. What a ghastly job to be doing, made worse by almost every Republican in the country. Remain steadfast in your search for the truth.

I’m deeply grateful for my friends, who enrich my life in countless ways, all the time.

I give thanks for working for a company at the spear’s edge of the fight against cyber crimes and skullduggery. And for working among smart people, from I learn heaps every day.

I’m grateful for shelter, heat and electricity; clean, potable water; working appliances; for public services like trash removal, road works and firefighters. For the workers who harvested the food I’ll be eating later on, and the ones who transported it to the grocery stores and stocked the shelves.

And for the eternal beauty of this season. It heals my soul.

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