Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Happy dog

I’d just returned a bunch of books to the library when I came across a vanity plate in the parking lot. So of course I hauled out my mobile to take a photo.

The driver was just getting out of the car, so I pointed out the obvious: I was taking a pic of the plate because I liked it. She asked me what I thought it meant, and I said, “A happy dog.”

Well, no.

Seems barkhaa means “rainy season” in her language (she didn’t specify, but clearly one of those spoken in India), and she has a Tesla with a license plate that means “lightning” (or “electricity”) and a motorcycle with “storm”. Also, her Himalayan cat’s name means “cloud” and her calico cat is called “sound of rain”.

She showed me pix of all of them. The Himalayan is fluffy, like a cloud.

I really got a kick out of the whole weather event theme in her life, and I’m glad I got the story. (I told her that I was a little concerned about a motorcycle invoking storm, tho.)



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