Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Civic duty

At time of writing, we in the Commonwealth of Virginia are waiting to hear whether the next governor will take us back to the time of cavaliers and cotton fields and make Richmond once again the capital of Confederate ignorance, outrage and terror (theirs; man, these people are terrified of Blacks, women, immigrants, books, Catholics...pretty much everything), or whether we have another shot at the 21st Century.

I cast my vote about three weeks ago at the Fairfax County north government facility and I did not encounter any christofascist “observers”; I understand they have been out in force for the past few days, trying to intimidate anyone who looks like they wouldn’t vote “right”, if you catch my drift. The battle cry this time around is "parents' rights" instead of "states' rights", but the goal is exactly the same: white supremacy.

(Before the polls opened, I returned a book to the library across the street, and did my civic duty by calling to staff’s attention that someone had taped a Glenn Younkin flyer to the library’s front door. Like anyone using the library is likely to vote for him.)

Anyhow, on my way into the building I took a photo of this notice board.

It’s exactly the sort of thing that drives the Younkin crowd bonkers, and I am totally here for it.

UPDATE: damn.



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