Friday, October 1, 2021


Okay, well—this week we learned that staffers for The Former Guy depended on one aide who could apparently play an instrument (??this is unclear at the moment; it may be that he was just playing from Spotify) to soothe the savage beast. By playing show tunes.

Yes, Max Miller, heretofore notable primarily for his long string of arrests for assault, disorderly behavior and DUI, was known as the “Music Man” in the White House. When TFG flew into one of his frequent rages, aides sent for Miller to play show tunes, which actually calmed the schmuck (who also spent time assuring another aide that his actual schmuck is not shaped like a mushroom). His favorite, apparently, was "Memory", from Cats.

Guys—the most powerful head of state in the world needed a tuneful toady to keep him from ordering missile strikes on Portland. We were that close to utter destruction for the past four years, and were only saved by a tinhorn bullying jackass with a talent for music.


Well, in recognition of this gobsmackery, I’m sharing a number from the actual Music Man musical, because “Shipoopi” kind of describes the last administration.



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