Monday, October 18, 2021

Gratitude Monday: finally

Last week’s weather was not bad—low- to mid-60s for my morning walks, and 70s to the cusp of 80 during the day. Not exactly Autumn in the District They Call Columbia, but not bad.

Saturday morning was a good walker. I overheard a couple of cyclists meeting up for a spin down the W&OD Trail commenting that they should get going “before the impending rain”. So, I checked WaPo, and sure enough, the forecast was for blustery showers in the afternoon, followed by a drop in temperatures.

This is precisely what happened: some wind, then gentle rain most of the afternoon, then a 20 degree drop. I closed the patio door and considered turning on the heat.

Yesterday, it was 50 degrees when I walked over to Whole Foods; it felt well and truly like Autumn. And I am so grateful to welcome it.


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