Wednesday, September 15, 2021


It’s 15 September 2021, and we’re waiting to hear whether right-wing nutjobs are going to take over the governorship of the state with the seventh-largest economy in the world.

Also, we find out from advance summaries of a new book by Bob Woodward and WaPo journalist Bob Costa that Cadet Bonespurs went so barking off-the-rails after he lost the presidential election last year that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff took substantial precautions to prevent the pre-emptive withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan, the launching of missiles at anyone or the use of military force against US citizens.

Meanwhile, anti-vaxxers/maskers are adding the ingestion of Betadine (a topical disinfectant) to their ivermectin “proven cure” for the COVID, and filling up hospital ICUs in Red states.

Honestly, I do not think there’s enough alcohol or chocolate in the universe to get us through this.




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