Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Natural barriers

There’s a house on my morning walk route that’s evidently had some, er, problems with people walking their dogs. I mean, I’ve seen yard signs imploring pet owners to clean up after their dogs (well, I assume the signs are aimed at the humans, because it’s been my experience that dogs mostly do not read), but this one added a somewhat pathetic attempt at a barrier.

Look, that plastic streamer isn’t going to keep any dog out (it didn't even go around the entire perimeter of the lawn), and I presume that it’s not going to be any more persuasive to the dog owners than the sign by itself. But I suppose if your house is worth north of a million, you’ll try anything.

What’s interesting to me is that I have never, never seen any indication that any of these homeowners actually use their front yards, but I suppose it’s a clash of the me-me-me titans: dog owners vs homeowners.




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