Monday, September 27, 2021

Gratitude Monday: being last

A couple of weeks ago, some folks on infosec Twitter challenged each other over running a virtual 5k race to raise money for Innocent Lives, an organization dedicated to bringing anonymous child predators to justice. I said that my running days are over, but I could walk 5k, so I was in.

Saturday was the day, and here’s my time:

(Yeah, I have not figured out how to get Google Fit to speak to me in Ks instead of Ms, so I just turned in my closest conversion.)

TBF, that 60 minutes includes stopping to take pix, to watch chipmunks and to listen to birds, so I suppose I could have turned in a better time. But this is how I roll.

So, I’m grateful for being able to walk for a good cause. Also, because I made it possible for everyone else in the race to not be last.



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