Thursday, August 12, 2021

Mystery car

I’ve got an identification issue. Not flora, as per usual; vehicular.

My eye was caught by this front end on one of my walks:

It’s the no-name grille that I find so unusual. Also, actually, menacing. Something about those unbroken lines that makes me think “killer kar”.

So I walked around to the rear end to see what make it was. It says Honda, but I’ll be blowed if I can find anything that looks quite like that in their inventory. 

I searched on “big-assed Honda SUV”, but didn’t find the combination of the overhang thing, taillights and bumper. Their biggest SUV is the Pilot, but nothing on the web resembles this. I realize that the front end has been customized, but I guess the back end has, too?

STOP PRESS: I examined it on this morning's walk, and it in fact does say PILOT to the left of the rear plate. But it still looks weird.

So I’m stumped. But I wouldn’t like to meet it coming round the curve in a lonely road at dusk.




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