Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Bitey mites

We in the environs of The District They Call Columbia have been afflicted by a cicada-related infestation of monsters known as oak leaf mites. These microscopic monsters hang out on oak trees (duh) except when they’re dropping on passing humans. Then they bite, leaving gigantic welts around the puncture point.

A big deal has been made about the ones in Arlington and Alexandria, but I am here to testify to their prevalence in the People’s Republic. I looked up the shape of oak leaves, and it turns out I can’t walk three houses in any direction without coming under the branches of one. Also, there are two that form a canopy over my back yard.

This means that I get bitten several times a week. I don’t get welts, inasmuch as there’s no raised skin. However, I experience patches of inflammation that are about 2”x4” around the bite.

Colleagues report successful amelioration of the itching with combinations of Benadryl and topical cortisone. I’ve found that Tiger Balm works better for me.

I can’t wait for Autumn. Experts say we shouldn't do anything to the oak trees. But if this goes on much longer I'm eying some flamethrowers on Amazon.


1 comment:

  1. They apparently also blow in the breeze, so you don't have to be under the oak tree. They can also move on your skin before biting, leading to bites on supposedly unexposed skin. I'm looking forward to the end of their season, too!
