Friday, July 30, 2021

You want a good time

So, the four asses of the white supremacy apocalypse pulled a couple of stunts this week to distract attention from the House committee investigating the events of 6 January at the Capitol.

On Tuesday morning, as the committee was convening and swearing in two US Capitol Police officers and two from MPD, the Republican 4G crowd with a combined IQ of 97 (Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar) held a “press conference” in front of the Department of Justice to decry the totally-made-up “injustice” of 1/6 rioters being held in jail. The presser lasted less than five minutes because the self-styled freedom fighters for the RWNJ constituency felt dissed by protestors, particularly one guy who was blowing a whistle. Some beard hustled the asses away (with Gaetz dodging one reporter’s “Are you a pedophile, Congressman?” all the way to his SUV) and then flounced about the whistle being an assault.

A reporter for one of the RWNJ outlets confronted the whistler (who—total props—was blowing it behind his mask), trying to…well, I don’t know, exactly, except that it got her airtime. Gaetz later tweeted video of that, repeating the assault claim, because he’s a moron.

On Thursday, Gaetz, Gosar, Gohmert and Greene were refused entry to the D.C. jail (jail, mind you, not prison) where some of the insurrectionists are being held pending trial because they’re batshit crazy and have demonstrated their intentions to continue with their acts of violence. This was another stunt intended to get them media attention, because they had to know all along that they’d be denied admittance. They’re neither criminal lawyers (although they certainly should become acquainted with some) nor are they freakin’ Amnesty International or the Red Cross. No whistles this time; Gohmert flapped about the outrage of being turned away and then it was over. Greene did go full Karen and asked to speak to the supervisor, but the people with actual jobs to do told the three loons to leave or be admitted on a more formalarrestedstatus. It had the same effect being whistled at had..

(Honestly—I expect the woman who told them to buzz off scared them all. I certainly would not mess with her.)

Any roads, in honor of the whistle guy who scattered the 4G Know-nothings, today’s earworm is Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls”. Crank up the volume.




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