Monday, July 19, 2021

Gratitude Monday: unexpected beauty

I get up between 0500 and 0530 on weekdays in an attempt to get my morning walk in before the heat and humidity make that suicidal. On Sundays, I haul myself out of bed around 0630, but on Saturday, well, I need a break. I’ve discovered that the day after a typical yoga lesson my muscles tend to want to know what the hell I’m thinking. So I get up later and don't push for 10K steps. Thus, my walking circuit is shortened.

This past Saturday I strolled through the corporate HQ, which I haven’t visited for at least a month. And I found the Sacred Lotus in bloom.

Here’s what I also found: bees love the Sacred Lotus.

Today’s gratitude is that a change in my morning walk brought me close to this unexpected beauty, and that I’ll be carrying it with me through the coming days.



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