Tuesday, June 1, 2021

We now resume scheduled programming

Climate change being a thing, we here in the environs of the District They Call Columbia got an unexpected cold spell over the weekend. How cold you ask? It was in the 50s Saturday and Sunday, and I turned the heat back on.

This threw a chill over Brood X, who must have found it quite the bummer: imagine being literally holed up under ground for 17 years; you emerge with love on your mind and all of a sudden it’s too cold for an arthropod to get it up. This meant that the cicadas just parked on trees for two days; silently.

However, I knew yesterday that it was going to be warmer because when I got up, they were already singing the song of their people.

So, here’s another system dump on the Brood in the ‘Hood, because they are back looking for love.

I noticed these cocoons some weeks ago. I don’t know if they were intended to keep cicadas off the leaves, but they didn’t stop them from hanging out on the cocoon and leaving their trash behind:

Here are some decorating hydrangeas:

And several piling on Saint Francis, which seems appropriate:

This one is showing off his wings; because he can:

Some neighbors chatting:

Upside down:

Climbing this yellow thing:

(It looks almost as though he’s blind and feeling his way.)

Some more hangers:

And one non-cicada:



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