Thursday, June 3, 2021

June showers

Okay, we have to talk about one of the facts of life for cicadas. We all know that Brood X has been underground for 17 years, and only emerged to have sex. But it turns out that they—like the rest of us—get thirsty. And when they drink, they have to pee.

As one does.

The resident WaPo cicada correspondent wrote about this last week, and the videos in the story just fascinated me. They’re not of Brood X, but I reckon a cicada’s a cicada the whole world around, so I’m assuming this sort of thing happens here. I particularly thought about this yesterday on my walk, when I felt a few drops hit my head when I was under a tree. I looked around for signs of rain, didn’t see any and worried about a different kind of shower.


So, here’s one of the videos; I’m disappointed that no TikTokker so far has set it to music. I’m thinking “Water Music”.



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