Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Internal combustion

You know—we have not had any vanity plates for a while. So let’s do it.

These two were parked next to each other in the cluster; I’m thinking their owners are related, but that could be me imagining it.

Likewise, these were next to each other in front of a house. It’s the connection to Reston Runners that makes me think they’re related.

Not really sure what SHESHLY works out to be. She's holy? Shesh, LY? Dunno.

And this pair—well, the guy in the Aw Yeah van took exception to me shooting a pic; got very bolshie, like he was going to fight me in the parking lot.

Dude—your plate is, like, public, you know? Also, the whole point of a vanity plate is to attract attention. 


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