Friday, May 28, 2021

Some lovely day

Today’s earworm was written well over 60 years ago, but it’s spot on for right now.

And by “right now” I mean this decade, this year and this week.

Because in the past few days, Belarus has violated international law in order to silence a journalist; there’s been yet another mass shooting, this time in San José; the Israelis and the Palestinians have been bombing the crap out of each other...again; and Republicans are engaging in douchebaggery ranging from cutting off Federal unemployment benefits to millions of Americans to equating wearing a face mask with suffering under the Holocaust. And I am sick to the back teeth of it all.

Actually—them all. I am sick to the back teeth of humans.

So I’m giving you “The Merry Minuet”, which was written by Sheldon Harnick (who wrote the songs for Fiddler on the Roof, if you’re asking). And I'm giving you Harry Belafonte singing it. Guess which line encapsulates my feeling today?

The song actually starts at 1:23, but Blogger's craptastic new interface won't let me trim the video. I hate Google, too.

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