Monday, May 10, 2021

Gratitude Monday: supporting the truth

A week ago, I caught a headline on WaPo and immediately clicked on it. I mean—“The politicians who tried to overturn an election—and the local news team that won’t let anyone forget it”; of course.

Evidently it’s a small team at WITF, the NPR affiliate in Pennsylvania’s capital, but they’ve got integrity. All the Big Guys inviting Republicans onto their Sunday blah-blah shows and not clown-horning them every time they tell a porky about the Big Lie and their part in it—WITF is having none of that. Whenever a state legislator rears up on his/her hind legs to pontificate on any subject, WITF reports it…

Then they add words to the effect that “State Rep Bloviator (R-Whatever) spouted the lie that Pennsylvania voters were committing fraud on a massive scale and s/he pushed to bin those voters’ ballots.”

Well—I hadn’t even finished reading the WaPo story before I was on WITF’s website and clicking on the donate button. I’m now a proud sustaining member of the station, and I’ll keep that going until they haul me out of somewhere in a body bag.

It is my contention that all media should be going full Cato the Elder and appending this resplendent truth to every report of every R who grabs a microphone or sends out a press release while avoiding that little dust-up or even perpetuating the lie. These people tried to invalidate the votes of thousands of their own constituents. They deserve to carry that shame with them as long as their asses are in legislative seats. Actually, that shame should grind their political careers to dust, but it probably won’t.

But it’s Gratitude Monday, Bas Bleu, you say—where’s the gratitude?

It’s here: I didn’t even have to think about becoming a supporter, I just hauled out my credit card digits and clicked the button. And I’m grateful that my money is being used to continue the tradition of a free press directly. No truth, no contribution, WAMU.




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