Monday, April 5, 2021

Gratitude Monday: blooms and birds

I was engaged in my usual Saturday round of cleaning house when my Gift Fairy friend dropped off an Easter Basket of peach cobbler mix, a chocolate egg, daffodils and dried mealworms. Everything but the last one is for me; the worms are to tempt wrens in my back yard.

(Someone ate the first handful I tossed out, but I didn’t see who. I put the second on the table next to the birdbath. At least I know squirrels don’t like them.)

I’ll plant the daffs later this week. For now, they’re the centerpiece on my dining table.

Also—the other morning on my walk, I ran into one of my neighbors. It was a brief meeting, but still.

And these are the things I’m grateful for today: an Easter basket and a wading bird.




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