Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Up against the wall

Rather unusually, I’d have thought, for the People’s Republic, there’s an abandoned and boarded-up house within walking distance of one of the strip-mall/office complexes. I kind of wonder what’s up with the patch of land not undergoing development, but I found something more interesting.

It’s clear that at some point there was a climbing thing climbing up one of the walls.

There’s no trace of it in the ground, now, but I do love the design it left.




  1. That's the Bowman Distillery site. It's on the National Register. https://www.restonnow.com/2016/10/24/still-empty-after-all-these-years-restons-old-bowman-distillery/

  2. Thanks, David--I'd heard there'd been a distillery in the 'hood, but I never made the connection.
