Monday, March 15, 2021

Gratitude Monday: public health

Friday afternoon I was in the middle of my yoga lesson when my instructor found out that she and her husband were eligible to schedule appointments for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. They’re getting it today, yay!

Other people I know have received the one-and-done J&J vaccine, which was only approved a week ago.

President Biden promises that every adult American will be able to access the vaccine by May, and that by July—if we’ve achieved herd immunity—we may be able to gather in small groups to celebrate Independence Day. (Perhaps not surprisingly, Repugs have bitched about every aspect of this 180-degree turnabout from the previous administration’s approach(es) to the pandemic. They also voted every single one of them against the COVID relief bill, but fortunately, they’re the minority party in Congress.)

That’s my gratitude for today. That we at long last have a national policy and program for getting shots in arms and providing relief for the millions who’ve suffered economic catastrophe in the past 12 months. I’m also deeply thankful that Republicans were out-voted in both houses (thanks, Stacey Abrams!). And I’m hoping that I may be able to have an in-person yoga lesson some time next month.



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